Tuesday, 8 September 2009

V.IR.TU.AL at CANactions 2009

Thanks to our friend Grisha Zotov our project will be one of the projects presented at CANactions at the end of this month.
Sadly I won't be able to take part in this event but Tudor and Alex will.
Make sure you'll have a great time guys! :)

You can also take a look on our studio's blog [Algorithmic Spatial Modulations]

masterplan parametric planning,urbanism,architecture,design

Descriptive part of the studio presentation from Tudor Cosmatu on Vimeo.

Equipotentials from Tudor Cosmatu on Vimeo.

Flock from Tudor Cosmatu on Vimeo.

And now to point out what CANactions is really about:

CANactionsis an annual conference and exhibition of architectural visions and ideas targeted at young architects and architectural students. The first conference was held in March 2008 as continuation of the Wonderland.ua series.

The main idea of CANactions is to establish a new sense of an Ukrainian Architectural communit
y and seed the
understanding and appreciation of contemporary architecture in the Ukraine.

The main target group are young professionals and architectural stu
dents, but the festival is open to the public and located in heart of Kiev. Hence many members of the general public, politicians and investors have the opportunity to see fresh architectural ideas.

Topic of CANactions 2009 is – emerging design tools across generations.

This years CANaction is examining the actions and connections between different generations of architects and their relationship to emerging tools. The leap will be made over almost 4 generations of architects culminating in a symposium for the next generation of upcoming Ukrainian architects.

As a connection between the different generations of architects we are investigating the influence of architectural schools
and mass media, emerging tools and external consultants.

The connection between international operating universities such as DIA in Dessau and the mass media is probably the
most striking. The universities pass over the knowledge and sometimes develop new tools.

But in what way do external consultants such as environmental engineers, structural engineers and landscape architects pass over a certain amount of common knowledge and tools. It is these connections and dialogues to leading external professionals such as AKT, Bollinger+Grohmann, Topotek1 and Transsolar that will be examined and exposed. Due to the internet emerging tools and publications from universities are spread with a high speed worldwide but external specialists are clustered mainly in London and the south of Germany.

How does such lack of consultancy influence architectural practice in the Ukraine and what does it mean for the
development of the next generation of architects?

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